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RTC widget to proide real-time clock and perpetual calendar functions.

Widget Property

RTC Name Setting

Property Description Operation
Widget Name Widget displayed name Name
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RTC Configuration

Property Description Operation
Enable Enable RTC Checkbox
DialogBox Enable Regsiter Select an enable register. When the value of this register is Ture, a dialog box pops up for users to set date and time. Register Selector

RTC Value Register

Property Description Operation
Year Register Select a RTC year register. The value of this register is in four digist such as 2022. Register Selector
Last 2 Digit of Year Register Select a RTC year register whose value represents the last two digits of the year. Register Selector
Month Register Select a register whoes value (1-12) represents the month Register Selector
Day Register Select a register whoes value (1-31) represents the day Register Selector
Weekday Register Select a register whoes value (1-7) represents the weekday from Monday to Sunday Register Selector
Hour Register Select a register whoes value (0-23) represents the hour of a day Register Selector
Minute Register Select a register whoes value (0-59) represents the minute of an hour Register Selector
Second Register Select a register whoes value (0-59) represents the seconds of a minute Register Selector