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Rotation Image is an output widget. It provides the rotation function for a still image. This widget is suitable for implementing the needle of a meter or gauge. It supports opacity and image layering. This widget can work together with other widgets to form complex widgets ehancing the visual effect of the HMI.

The performance and resource requirement is inversely propotional to the size of the image. The larger-sized image of this widget requires more memory space and computation resources.

An educational vidoe is availble to get users started:

  • Educational Video

Widget Property

Rotation Image

Property Description Operation
Widget Name Widget displayed name Name
Link to Educational Video Link to IOT’s website for Educational Video  

Visibility Control

Property Description Operation
Binding Hidden Control Register Select a binding register to control the visibility of this widget Checkbox
Hidden Control Register Choose a binding regsiter Register Selector

Center Location Setting

Property Description Operation
Center Location Set the coordinate values for the center of the circle Alignment Selector
Move to Center Move the center of the circle to the central point of the widget Alignment Selector

Rotation Setting

Property Description Operation
Minimum Data Value Set the staring value of the needle. This value must be smaller than the maximum value of the binding register. Number Editor
Maximum Data Value Set the ending value of the needle. This value must be larger than the minimum value of the binding register. Number Editor
Revsered Scale Set the scale to be reserved.
That is to set the minimum value to be the ending value of the needed and the maximum value to be the staring value.
Start Angle Set the needle’s starting angle (0-360). Please refer to Number Editor Number Editor
Arc Length Needle’s rotation arc length in degree (0-360) Number Editor
Load Rotated Image Load an image from the file system as the needle File Open Dialog Box

Behavior Setting

Property Description Operation
Enable Slider Knob Enale the knob
If the knob is enabled, this widget can become an input one as users can change the binding register’s value.
Binding Register Select a binding regsiter whose value is represented by the needle Register Selector


Property Description Operation
Show Protractor Show the protractor
The protractor represents the range of the rotation
Value Slider to select a value for the needle to display Number Editor

On-Widget Editor

Property Description Operation
Adjust the location of the center of the circle Center Editor

Right-Click Menu

Move to Center

Property Description Operation
Move to Center Move the center of the circle to the central point of the widget Center Editor

Widget-Specific Actions

Property Description Operation
Reset to Original Size Reset the widget to its original size Reset Editor
Reset Ratio by Width Reset the size of the widget based on the original widget ratio with width unchanged Reset Editor
Reset Ratio by Height Reset the size of the widget based on the original widget ratio with height unchanged Reset Editor
Load Rotated Image… Load an image from the file system as the needle File Open Dialog Box
Pasted Rotated image from Clipboard Pasted an image from Clipboard as the needle  
Link to Educational Video… Connect to the education video and play it