Once Export is selected, a pop-up dialog window will appear:
On the left hand side, users can decide which pages to export by clicking the check box of each page. If users want to enable the I/O functions, the “io” page must be exported. Keep in mind that all the target pages that are the desination of a page transition must be exported otherwise the HMI design will malfunction.
Output Type
At the top-right conner of the dialog window, there is a pull-down menu that allows users to specify the output type for exporting. ADE supports the following output type:
Exporting output type:
- Export HMI design to Ubique Panel or start the simulator.
- Export to a PDF file.
- Printing, exporting to a printer.
- Exporting to a web page in HTML format to be viewed by a browser.
The second pull-down menu is the exporting template selection. Each output type has one or more output templates. These templates will be explained in details latter.
The third pull-down menu offers option selection. Differet output types have different options. These options will be explained in details latter.
Exporting to Ubique Panel
This exporting option downloads the HMI design from ADE to Ubique Panel.
Connecting to the control board
Please connect the control board of Ubique Panel to the PC running ADE via a USB cable. ADE automatically recgonizes the connected control board. ADE does NOT support downloading to multiple boards simultaneously. Please make sure that your PC only connects to one single Ubique Panel’s control borad. If users would like to make sure that the Ubique Panel control board is connected to the PC propoerly, they can use Settings in System Menu to open up the following dialog box and select Installation and Update tab. Behind Get Board Information button, the connected control board’s information is shown:
If no control board information available or no board connected, the following message is shown:

Only Ubique Panel template is supported for exporting.
Launch Simulation: If selected, ADE will launch the built-in simulator and export the HMI design to the simulator. Keep in mind that running the built-in simulator does not require the connection to the Ubique Panel control board. The simulator shows up on the screen and users can directly verify their HMI design. However, this built-in simulator can NOT simulate the I/O functions.
Download: If this option is selected and the Ubique Panel control board is connected via a USB cable, then the downloading will commence. The progress and the related messages are shown in “Exporting documents” dialog box. If everything works fine, the number of errors is zero and the dialog box will notify that the downloading is successfuuly done and prompt users to close this dialog box. If the downloading fails, the error messages, displayed in red, shows up in the dialog box for users to review:
If the error number is not zero, the HMI design is not downloaded to the Ubique Panel. Neither does ADE launch the built-in simulator.
Save to File: This function is for technical support. When users runs into issues in using ADE, they can export their HMI to a file by using this option and send the saved file to our technical support team for debugging.
Exporting to PDF
This output type exports the HMI design to a PDF-formated file.
Brochure Export Tempate: Export HMI design pages only.
Default Export Template:Export HMI design pages along with the page note.
Image Format:Both scalable/vector and bitmap/rasterized formats are supported for exporting HMI designs. In most cases, images inserted by the users will be exported in the bitmap/rasterized format.
Page size:Select A3, A4, A5, Letter, Legal and Tabloid format.
Orientation:Portrait or Landscape.
Column:Select one or two columns per page.
Row:Select one or two rows per page.
Backgroud:Set the background color and opacity for the exported PDF page.
Margin: Set the margin for the exported PDF page. Three options are available: None, Normal, and Large.
With Title:Select if the title is needed or not.
With header/footer:Turn on or off the header and footer.
With notes:Turn on or off the not.
Draw borders: Choose if border is drawn on the PDF exported pages.
Before exporting, the file selection dialog box will appear allowing users to set the exported PDF file’s name and directory. If the file name alreay exists, the dialog box will ask if the existed file should be replaced or not. If this file is being viewed by other PDF reader, then it is locked and cannot be replaced. As a result, the exporting will fail. You can solve this problem by closing all the PDF readers that access this file and then re-export the HMI design.
Printing Format
This output type share the same functionality as that of PDF except that this function output the HMI design directly to the printer. Please refer Export PDF.
Web Page
Exporting HMI design to HTML formated web page.
Default HTML Template: Exporting HMI design to a signle-paged web pate.
Clickable Prototype HTML Template:Exporting HMI to a web page with hyper links.
The file selection dialog box appears prior to exporting for allowing users to select the exporting directory. The directory contents will be cleared completely and the exporting file will be written into this directory. After exporting, please click index.html for viewing your HMI design in a web browser.